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Garnet, English Oak, and Rock Crystal - 12¼ Inches

Photo of a Wand
Photo of a Wand's Tip

$35.00 (Sold)

Photo of a Wand's End-Cap


This unique 12 ¼ inch wand has been hand turned from a single piece of English oak. It is tipped with a faceted one carat (6mm diameter) garnet and has a large (13mm wide, 11mm high) natural rock crystal as its end cap. As the following table shows, this wand would be excellent choice for any witch or wizard who primarily casts light quintessential, air, fire, and earth spells.

Wand Component Elementals Phase Genders
Garnet Tip Fire Light Female and Male
English Oak Shaft and Handle Quintessence, Air, and Earth Light Male
Rock Crystal End Cap Quintessence and Air Light Female and Male

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Spells Exceptionally Strengthened and Focused

This wand will excel at strengthening and focusing spells from the following spell sets once it's core has been filled and it has been properly enchanted:

Spells Especially Well Strengthened Spells Especially Well Focused

English Oak Shaft and Handle:

  • Be Fertile – Highly valued by magical doctors and midwives, oak wands excel at casting spells that make people or animals more fertile or make childbirth easier. (Elemental Earth)
  • Be Brave – Oak wands excel at casting spells that increase their target’s bravery or self-confidence. (Phase Light)
  • Be Healed – Oak wands excel at casting spells that heal their targets from illnesses, injuries, or dark maladies. (Phase Light)
  • Be Lucky – Oak wands excel at casting spells that bring good luck and prosperity. (Phase Light)
  • Be Prosperous – Oak wands excel at casting spells that bring wealth and prosperity. (Phase Light)
  • Be Regal – Oak trees are the kings of the trees, and old oak trees can be quite majestic compared to other often smaller trees. This enables oak wands excel at casting spells that give the people struck by the spell the appearance of royalty. (Phase Light)
  • Be Stronger – Oak is a very strong wood, and so oak wands excel at casting spells that increase strength. (Phase Twilight)
  • Change Size – Oak trees can be huge, which is why oak wands excel at casting spells that change the size of their targets, especially spells that make them larger. (Phase Twilight)
  • Control Weather – Oak wands excel at casting spells that control the weather, for example, by creating and controlling the wind, storms, clouds, and fog. (Elemental Air)
  • Control Wind – Oak wands excel at casting spells that create, control, and stop the winds as well as protect from wind damage. (Elemental Air)
  • Enchant – Commonly used by wand makers, oaken wands excel at casting spells used to enchant other wands, amulets, charms, and staffs. (Elemental Quintessence)
  • Endure Longer – Oak trees easily live 500 years and can sometimes reach one thousand, while oak wood can endure for centuries. This is why oak wands excel at casting spells that make their targets live longer. (Phase Light) As with light spells, oak wands excel at casting spells that make their targets have greater endurance. (Phase Twilight)
  • Improve Mind – Oak wands excel at casting spells that improve the minds of their targets by, for example, improving their concentration, intelligence, intuition, knowledge, memory, or wisdom. (Phase Light)
  • Protect – Oak wands excel at casting defensive spells that protect people and valuables from harm due to dangers such as poisons, curses, and theft. (Phase Light) In addition to light spells, oak wands also excel at casting defensive spells such as spells to make one invisible, disarm attackers, and reflect offensive spells back at attackers. (Phase Twilight)
  • Transport – Oak has long been used in the construction of vehicles such as wagons and ships that transport people and goods from one place to another. Thus, oak wands excel at casting spells that send, move, or otherwise transport their targets to another location. (Phase Twilight)
  • Travel to Faerie – Oak wands excel at casting spells that enable their subjects to travel back and forth to Faerie, either via portal or apparation. (Elemental Quintessence)
  • Travel to Spiritual Plane – Oak is strongly associated with the spiritual plane of existence. Oak wands excel at casting spells that enable their subjects to travel back and forth to the spiritual plane of existence. (Elemental Quintessence)

Garnet Tip:

  • Be Brave – Garnet wands containing one or more clear faceted garnets excel at casting spells that increase their target’s bravery or self-confidence. (Phase Light)
  • Burn – Garnet wands excel at casting spells that burn their targets or cause burning pain. (Elemental Fire)
  • Control Others – Wands with light garnets excel at casting spells that control daemons or monsters. (Phase Light) Wands with dark garnets excel at casting spells that give the mage complete control over people and the living dead. (Phase Darkness)
  • Control Volcano – Garnet wands excel at casting spells that, for example, cause, change the magnitude, or stop eruptions or that control the movement or solidification of lava. (Elemental Fire)
  • Fight Better – Garnet wands excel at casting spells that increase their target’s fighting abilities, for example by making them invulnerable or increasing their fighting abilities, agility, strength, speed and endurance. (Phase Twilight)
  • Protect – Garnet wands excel at casting defensive spells that protect against fire-related dangers such as fires and their resulting burns. (Elemental Fire)

Rock Crystal End Cap:

  • Banish Evil – Rock crystal wands excel at casting spells that banish evil creatures, daemons, or spirits. (Phase Light)
  • Be Healed – Rock crystal wands excel at casting spells that heal their targets from illnesses, injuries, or dark maladies. (Phase Light)
  • Eliminate Negative Emotions – Rock crystal wands excel at casting spells that remove negative emotions such as anger, distrust, fear, greed, hatred, jealousy, or sadness. (Phase Light)
  • Enchant – Rock crystal wands excel at casting spells used to enchant other wands, amulets, charms, and staffs. (Elemental Quintessence)
  • Have Extra Sensory Perception – Rock crystal has long been associated with ESP, especially divination, which is why rock crystal is often used in the crafting of crystal balls. Rock crystal wands excel at casting spells that enable their targets to perform divination or give them clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, or telepathy. (Elemental Air)
  • Hear Better – Rock crystal wands excel at casting air spells from this spell set that enhance both natural and supernatural hearing. (Elemental Air)
  • Improve Mind – Rock crystal wands excel at casting defensive spells that protect people and valuables from harm due to dangers such as poisons, curses, and theft. (Phase Light)
  • See Better – Rock crystal wands excel at casting spells that enhance both natural and supernatural sight. (Elemental Air)
  • Protect – Rock crystal wands excel at casting light spells and twilight spells from this spell set that defend against magical and physical attacks. (Phase Light) Rock crystal wands also excel at casting defensive spells such as spells to make one invisible, disarm attackers, and reflect offensive spells back at attackers. (Phase Twilight)
  • Transport – Rock crystal wands excel at casting spells that send, move, or otherwise transport their targets to another location. (Phase Twilight)
  • Travel to Faerie – Rock crystal wands excel at casting spells that enable their subjects to travel back and forth to Faerie, either via portal or apparation. (Elemental Quintessence)
  • Travel to Spiritual Plane – Rock crystal wands excel at casting spells that enable their subjects to travel back and forth to the spiritual plane of existence. (Elemental Quintessence)

Suggested Cores

Compatible choices for the core of this wand include a:

  • Fairy feather or hair for light quintessence spells.
  • Fairy, gryphon, hippogryph, or phoenix feather for light air spells.
  • Gyphon hear or hoof, hippogryph hair or hoof, or unicorn hair, hoof, or horn for light earth spells.
  • Phoenix feather for light fire spells.
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